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Registered: 2nd Aug 2009
Profile: Born in Italy at a very young age I descovered to have a passion for music maybe coming from the fact that my father is a jazz pianist. I have started to join the club scene later than my friends but eventhought I had a strong interest towards the "clubby people". In 1997 was my first trip to London where I passed few years of my life. My first club where I went was Ministry of Sound, the music, the enviroment and the people, everything was perfect. In 1999 my best mate and dj Roberto Marroni asked me to play in a bar in Notthing Hill. This was the first night i was playing to an audience. After this I was called to play for a internet radio station and then from there I played in the best clubs in London. Ministry of Sound, Acquarium, The End... and with the best djs Robert Owens, Bini Martini, Rap Saunders, and many more... In 2001 I set up my own 24/7 internet radio which unfortunately didnt last long cause very high cost of bandwidth.. Back in Italy I played in Prince club, Echoes, Naomi and many more.. Moved to NewYork in 2009 I playd for few venues there.. Now I am back in London and let's see what this town will bring me.
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