Hello Everyone! Thanks very much for tuning in!!! If you have remarks, comments, suggestions, questions, etc. please post them here or e-mail us at dj @ deephousecatshow.com. :::::: Best, Philipp :: Deep House Cat Show
Thanks for the comments Matrix. Our definition of “Deep House” clearly differ, Here is how Wikipedia defines Deep House:
“Deep house is a style of house music which fuses elements of Chicago house, disco, 80’s soul, jazz-funk and Detroit techno. The Jazz influences of deep house are most frequently brought out by using more complex chords than simple triads (7ths, 9ths, 13ths, suspensions, alterations) which are held for many bars, which give the tracks a slightly dissonant feel. The Disco music sound is a heavy influence in Deep House. The use of vocals is also more common in deep house than in many other forms of house music. Sonic qualities include soulful vocals, slow and concentrated dissonant melodies, smooth, stylish, and chic demeanor.
In our opinion our playlists reflect the above, but in the end it is like with the abstract definition for the term “beauty”… it’s in the eye of the beholder. Regards from Chicago, Philipp
Hello Everyone! Thanks very much for tuning in!!! If you have remarks, comments, suggestions, questions, etc. please post them here or e-mail us at dj @ deephousecatshow.com. :::::: Best, Philipp :: Deep House Cat Show
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There should a different channel here on SSRADIO for the kind of House this show is playing. Funky,Tech,& Wack House.
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Thanks for the comments Matrix. Our definition of “Deep House” clearly differ, Here is how Wikipedia defines Deep House:
“Deep house is a style of house music which fuses elements of Chicago house, disco, 80’s soul, jazz-funk and Detroit techno. The Jazz influences of deep house are most frequently brought out by using more complex chords than simple triads (7ths, 9ths, 13ths, suspensions, alterations) which are held for many bars, which give the tracks a slightly dissonant feel. The Disco music sound is a heavy influence in Deep House. The use of vocals is also more common in deep house than in many other forms of house music. Sonic qualities include soulful vocals, slow and concentrated dissonant melodies, smooth, stylish, and chic demeanor.
In our opinion our playlists reflect the above, but in the end it is like with the abstract definition for the term “beauty”… it’s in the eye of the beholder. Regards from Chicago, Philipp
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why all these definitions? fact is this is proper, high quality deeeep stuff. always has been always will be. peace, betty
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Brilliant as always!
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