Hello Everyone! Thanks very much for listening! If you have remarks, comments, suggestions, questions, etc. please post them here or e-mail us at dj @ deephousecatshow.com. :::::: Best, Philipp aka philE :: Deep House Cat Show
Hi Randy and Audiodelite! Thanks very much for commenting on the latest SSR set. Glad you like it guys… stay tuned for more… and new 60min set will be released later today, so make sure you check iTunes and/or http://www.DeepHouseCat.com. Best as always, philE :: DHCS
Hello Everyone! Thanks very much for listening! If you have remarks, comments, suggestions, questions, etc. please post them here or e-mail us at dj @ deephousecatshow.com. :::::: Best, Philipp aka philE :: Deep House Cat Show
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Awsome dude. I think its one of the best mixes ever!
Kisses from Europe
Audio aka Pat Benning
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Nice Soulfully Deep Set!!!
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Hi Randy and Audiodelite! Thanks very much for commenting on the latest SSR set. Glad you like it guys… stay tuned for more… and new 60min set will be released later today, so make sure you check iTunes and/or http://www.DeepHouseCat.com. Best as always, philE :: DHCS
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wow, what a great mix.Love it:-)
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